

We, the active members of Kappa Theta Pi Professional Technology Fraternity at the University of Michigan, do hereby establish this Constitution in order that our purpose, functions, and progression be realized to its fullest extent.


Section 1: Name

The name of this professional fraternity shall be “Kappa Theta Pi, University of Michigan Chapter”; henceforth referred to as “Kappa Theta Pi” or “KTP”.

Section 2: Letters

The Greek Letters of this professional fraternity shall be ΚΘΠ, which signifies “the love for technology.”

Section 3: Colors

The Colors of this professional fraternity shall be blue (#458FFF) and green (#19FF19 ).

Section 4: Purpose

1. Build an active community of students with a shared interest in technology.

2. Sponsor events and activities aimed toward intellectual, social, and professional development.

3. Provide resources to members in regards to internships, career opportunities, and graduate degree programs.

4. Foster relationships among students, alumni, faculty members, the local community, and corporations.

5. Provide service and philanthropy to the local community.

6. Maintain a lifelong cooperation and friendship among the members of this fraternity.

ARTICLE II: Membership

Section 1: Eligibility

Any student currently enrolled at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor is eligible for membership after completing necessary components of the Rush and Pledging process and being elected upon by the current Executive Board.

Section 2: Rush

1. At the beginning of the fall and winter semesters, a Membership Committee, elected from the Executive Board, will hold the task of arranging advertising and Rush events for potential members. This includes, but is not limited to: informational sessions, social gatherings, and professional development workshops.

2. Any students currently enrolled at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor may participate in the hosted Rush events if interested in becoming an active member.

3. An attendance record for potential members will be kept to aide in the later membership decision by the Executive Board.

Section 3: Pledging

1. In order to receive a bid, students must attend a formal interview with at least two and no more than four members of the Executive Board, where attendance at Rush events, passion, and personality will be judged.

2. Once decided upon popular vote, the Executive Board and Membership Committee will contact all persons receiving a bid. Those persons will officially become Pledges to Kappa Theta Pi.

3. Pledges will be required to participate in the events and on-boarding requirements decided by the Membership Committee. Failure to complete all of the requirements, unless overridden by the popular decision of the Executive Board and Membership Committee, will result in loss of a Bid.

4. “Big and Little” pairings will be decided seven days after the Pledges are notified. One active member will be paired with one Pledge. Secret gift offerings, informal interviews, or other requirements will be decided by the Membership Committee.

5. An attendance record for Pledges will be kept. At the end of the Pledging process, the Executive Board will meet with the Membership Committee and decide which Pledges will become full-time members, based on meeting Pledging requirements.

6. At a “Cross-Over” event that takes place at the end of each semester, “Bigs” and “Littles” will be unveiled and selected Pledges will become active members.

Section 4: Active Membership

1. Active members must not be a member of any other professional fraternity organization.

2. Active members must meet assessment requirements.

Section 5: Alumni

1. An alumni member shall be a person who has been successfully initiated into active membership and graduated from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

2. At a “Cross-Over” event that takes place at the end of each semester, each graduating active member, not on Probation, will become an honored alumni member.

3. Alumni members are granted the privilege to attend any event hosted by this fraternity.

4. An annual newsletter will be sent to alumni members, highlighting the year’s successes, changes to the fraternity, and direction for the future.

ARTICLE III: Requirements

Section 1: Assessments

1. Active members shall maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA.

2. Active members shall be able to name, draw, and explain the significance of the Letters.

3. Active members shall be able to name and identify the date and location of foundation, founding class, and current Executive Board.

4. The Executive Board shall evaluate GPA and knowledge of fraternity information at the beginning of each semester.

5. Members who fail to meet these requirements, at any time, will be placed on Probation.

Section 2: Dues

1. Each semester, dues shall be determined by the Executive Board, and the funds collected shall be used for the reservation of rooms for chapter meetings, funding social events, paying fees, or any other expenditure for the fraternity.

2. The payments will be collected by the Treasurer and deposited into the official bank account.

3. All monetary charges shall be in United States Funds.

4. Any additional fees may be assessed by a majority vote of members at any time.

5. If a member cannot afford to pay fees, they must contact the President in writing to determine a payment plan.

6. Any member who does not pay dues by the date determined from the current Executive Board shall be placed on Probation.

Section 3: Community Service

1. In order to maintain a reputation of philanthropy, Kappa Theta Pi shall be actively involved in giving back to the Ann Arbor community. Community service opportunities will be determined by the current Executive Board and voted upon by the active membership.

2. Each member of Kappa Theta Pi is required to log at least 10 hours of community service per semester.

3. Any member who fails to log at least 10 hours of community service by the end of a given semester shall be placed on Probation.

Section 4: Attendance

1. Attendance to chapter meetings, professional development workshops, community service events, and social activities shall be logged.

2. All active members are required to attend biweekly chapter meetings and any event the current Executive Board determines to be mandatory.

3. If a member cannot attend a mandatory event, they must contact the Vice President in writing to receive an excused absence.

4. Any member who accumulates three or more unexcused absences for a given semester shall be placed on Probation.

Section 5: Probation

1. Any member violating an assessment bylaw stated in the previous sections shall be unable to vote or attend any social gatherings or professional development events while on Probation.

2. Probation shall contain three tiers. A mandatory meeting with the Executive Board shall take place within 7 days of being placed on Probation to discuss the logistics of the Probation.

3. First Tier Probation results from failure to complete Section 1 Assessment requirement or not meeting Section 3 Community Service requirements. A member shall resume active membership as soon as the member meets all Sections 1-4 Requirements. If the member does not meet all requirements within one semester (150 days) of being placed on Probation, the member shall be moved to Second Tier Probation.

4. Second Tier Probation results from failure to complete Section 2 Dues requirements, Section 4 Attendance requirements, or to remove oneself from First Tier Probation in the appropriate timeframe. A member shall resume active membership once the member meets all Sections 1-4 requirements and logs an additional 10 community service hours. If the member does not meet all requirements, including the 10 additional community service hours, within one semester (150 days) of being placed on Probation, the member shall be moved to Third Tier Probation.

5. Third Tier Probation results from failure to remove oneself from Second Tier Probation in the appropriate timeframe or committing an act of disgrace to Kappa Theta Pi—as determined by the current Executive Board. A member shall resume active membership once the member meets all Sections 1-4 requirements, logs an additional 10 community service hours, and violates no more requirements for two semesters (300 days). If the member does not meet all requirements, including the 10 additional community service hours, within one semester (150 days) of being placed on Probation, the member shall be dismembered from Kappa Theta Pi.

6. A member who fails to clear Probation, regardless of tier, shall not become an alumni member of Kappa Theta Pi.


Section 1: Governance

The laws governing this fraternity shall be this Constitution and any bylaws approved by the active membership.

Section 2: Chapter Meetings

A chapter meeting must be held biweekly to discuss the current events and status of the fraternity. All active members and pledges—unless otherwise instructed—are required to attend all chapter meetings. In order to be granted absence from a meeting, written consent by the Vice President is required.

Section 3: Social Gatherings

A social gathering for active members of this fraternity shall be held once per month. Funds from the fraternity account will be used to fund these events. Any additional costs will be addressed by the Executive Board and voted upon.

Section 4: Professional Development

Three professional development events shall occur per semester. These events may include, but are not limited to: resume building workshops, professional photo-shoots, internship panels, career counseling, and corporate visits.

Section 5: Quorum

A quorum must be present to conduct business. Quorum for any general meeting will count as 75% of the total active membership.

Section 6: Voting

For all cases of voting, a majority vote of 75% of a quorum is necessary to pass the motion. This includes, but is not limited to: Executive Board elections, Amendments to the Constitution, additional fees to be charged, and decision to participate in campus events.

ARTICLE V: Executive Board

Section 1: Purpose

The main function of the Executive Board is to run the day to day business of the fraternity and to determine disciplinary actions, including fines that are pertaining to the fraternity.

Section 2: Management

1. The Executive Board shall schedule chapter meetings and events.

2. Special meetings may be called by the President or any two members of the Executive Board by giving 48-hours-notice to all active members, unless circumstances deem otherwise.

3. There will be an Executive Board meeting once biweekly or be summoned by the President or any two members of the Executive Board.

Section 3: Positions and Responsibilities

1. President

- To call all meetings to order and preside over them.

- To act as a liaison between this fraternity and all administrative and outside offices.

- To approve all outgoing correspondence.

- To call special meetings.

- To enforce strict observance of the laws and policies of this fraternity.

- To see that the officers of the fraternity discharge their duties faithfully, impartially, accurately, and promptly.

- To assess fines/punishments.

- To rule on points of order.

- To assign members to committees of specific tasks.

- Shall have no vote unless to break a tie.

- Shall act as parliamentarian at all meetings.

2. Vice President

- To assume the duties of the President in his absence.

- To assist the President in the performance of his duties.

- To manage communications between the Executive Board and the active members of the fraternity.

- Act as the representative of the membership at the direction of the President on all official matters.

- To appoint members to chair event, socials, and other community events.

-To approve or disapprove excused absences from events.

3. Treasurer

- Must keep accurate records and control of the fraternity’s finances.

- To fulfill all regulations and requirements concerning the obligation of the treasurer of an organization.

- To give financial reports at all meetings.

- Assure that proper authorization is received before releasing any funds.

-To collect dues and any other fees collected by the fraternity.

4. Technology Chair

- Responsible for managing all web-based material for the fraternity.

- Maintain and administer a comprehensive website for the fraternity.

- Keep a database of all fraternity information.

-Manage the Kappa Theta Pi Development Team.

5. Social Chair

- Responsible for coordinating social events to promote bonding and team-building within the fraternity members and the community.

- Manage an active calendar for fraternity-related events.

- Manage the official Kappa Theta Pi social media accounts.

- Responsible for marketing fraternity events around campus and within our fraternity.

6. Outreach Chair

- Maintain relationships with alumni members, university faculty, the local community, and corporations.

- Manage Kappa Theta Pi sponsorships.

- Contact businesses, other professional fraternities, and charitable foundations in regards to fraternity events.

- Manage the organization of special guest/speaker events.

7. Membership Chair

- Manage fraternity advertising at the beginning of fall and winter semesters.

- Responsible for managing the Rush and Pledging Committees.

- Responsible for administering assessment tests, to check for knowledge of Founding Information and Letters.

- Records attendance and service hours.

Section 4: Elections

1. All elections to membership shall be by open voting.

2. Candidates may run for any position on the Executive Board, but shall have one full semester of active membership in Kappa Theta Pi prior to date of election.

3. All officers and candidates shall have and maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.75 and be meeting all requirements.

4. The Executive Board elected candidates shall be nominated from and elected by the active members during the first week of the winter semester and shadow the appropriate Executive Board member throughout the semester.

5. If two or more active members object to a potential member, it will be brought up at a special meeting. The members who object will state their objections and another round of votes by open ballot will take place. In order for the objection to be overruled, a majority vote of the total active membership in favor of keeping the potential member is required.

6. All absentee ballots will be produced in writing and presented to the Executive Board before the start of said meeting. All absentee ballots will contain the motion or point of business in discussion, definite confirmation of the member’s voting preference, and the signature of the designated voter.

7. A majority of the members voting shall be necessary to attain an office. If a majority is not reached, the candidate receiving the lowest number of votes cast is dropped from the ballot and a re-vote is taken of the remaining candidates until a majority is received.

8. A petition of 25% of the total active members shall be necessary to raise the question of removing an officer put before the next regular meeting. A majority vote of all active members is required to remove an officer from his office. At the meeting following the reading of the charges, the impeachment issue shall be discussed and voted upon.

9. In the absence of the President, the Vice President may call the meeting to order and preside.

Section 5: Accountability

All Executive Board actions are subject to review and revision provided there is majority quorum in disagreement.


Section 1: Foundation

A group of Informatics Majors founded Kappa Theta Pi on January 10th, 2012 in Ann Arbor at the University of Michigan.

Section 2: Founding Class

Nisha Dwivedi

Jacqueline Fontaine

Jing Guo

Brian Mansfield

Denny Tsai

Julie Varghese

Louise Vongphrachanh

Section 3: Concept

Kappa Theta Pi was originally intended to be a professional fraternity for students studying Informatics with an interest in Information Technology. The scope was soon broadened to encompass students of any major with a passion for technology.

ARTICLE VII: Amendments

Section 1: Existence

This fraternity may, from time to time, pass rules and regulations regarding operation of daily business, as long as they are not contradictory with this Constitution and any current bylaws.

Section 1: Proposition

Bylaws may be amended by a vote. A change to a current bylaw shall be submitted in writing at a general meeting. Any active member may propose a change in the current bylaws at any time. The motion will then go into discussion, and it will be held over until the next chapter meeting, at which time a vote will be taken.

Section 2: Voting

Voting on this amendment shall be done at the next called meeting with quorum in attendance. Every Executive Board member must be present in order to vote on the new amendment.

ARTICLE VIII: Ratification

This Constitution shall become effective immediately upon acceptance by a majority vote of the active membership of Kappa Theta Pi.